The Venetian flag hanging over an unspecified house in Venice


You might think that (yes, listen, Americans) Venice is just an island city, filled with canals, amazing architecture, and the lot. But what you don’t know, is that, its not just a city, but a whole autonomous region called Veneto. So grab your plane (the Alitalia economy class) essential and mandatory items (mosquito repellent) and everything el- what are you doing? *you rustle everything you want* What the- *you finish your heavy-as-fuck bag* Uh…. Let’s just go….

According to Wikipedia, the Regione Autonoma del Veneto is the eighth largest region in Italy, has 4 million people, and is one of the models of Instagram tourist- milking abuse, alongside Bali and Paris. The people here, as well as speaking Italian, speak Venetian, a sister language of Italian, which when humanized, would look like a posh gangster pick pocketer, I don’t know.

Venice was once, actually, an important nation, spanning from the capital city, to Greece, run by someone called the Doge, not to be confused with the meme. Its called “The Republic of Venice” founded after the feudal era, lasting 1000 YEARS, until the 17th century, when it was occupied by Napoleon, divided by the Habsburgs by the Treaty of Campio and Formio, and ultimately integrated to the unified Italy.

Now- *you rustle thorugh the bag you’ve made* the region has some, really cool nature, as- *you smirk* CHRIST LISTEN TO ME *okay*


Moving on… The region is comprised of the Po Valley, a large geographical feature, covering 57% of Veneto, which extends from the mountains to the Adriatic. The remaining 14 percent are the Euganean HillsBerici Hills Colli Asolani and Montello, a massive hill range divided into parts (maybe, i dont have a map) to make it easier for tourists to understand. And several rivers flow to the Adriatic: the PoAdigeBrentaBacchiglioneLivenzaPiave, and Tagliamento. Meanwhile the Adriatic was more specifically characterized in the Venetian coast as the Venetian Lagoon, the basic expansion pack for the sea that they made like millions of years ago. Its where Venice is situated, as well as the relatively unknown towns of Murano and Burano. There’s cities like Cortina d’Ampezzo, Marghera, and Mestre-Carpenedo. And speaking of which, I have to talk about it now.

Murano, one mile north of Venice. There are similarities with them. They use boating as transport, they have bridges, etc. But they’re also an equal number of differences. Like being smaller (both in size and in population), having more islands than Venice (5!), and having an amazing glassware. Through images from Wikipedia, its amazing, in shapes, colors, and sizes.

Burano is the brother of Murano. Its the same, although its more touristy than the island, with its bootleg Leaning Tower, its bright and colorful houses to direct ships during fogtimes and raintimes, and their beautiful laces

(I learnt them all from Half Asleep Chris)

Overall, I feel that its more than just Venice. Its a whole smorgasbord of areas. Its pretty awesome that they exist. And- *you’re finally ready! you’ve made your bag!* You’re ready? *you nod* We’ve arrived at Venice Airport! Come on, let’s go!

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